PostDoc Social scientist in Digital spatial planning practice 80-100% (f/m/d) – Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL /

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The research unit Land Change Science studies patterns, causes and processes of landscape change. The research group Land-Use Systems is offering a position within the DISCLOSE-project for the duration of two years (with the option for extension), starting in spring 2025, as a
Driven by digitalisation, spatial planning is undergoing significant change. This disruption has the potential to influence the way we plan and the way we deliver values such as equity, transparency and efficiency. The DISCLOSE project, funded with an advanced grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), aims to understand the effects of the digital transformation of planning in the plan-making and plan-implementation process. You will analyze how the use of digital tools by planners is changing daily land-use planning practice and develop an understanding of the rearrangements of the respective spatial and social relationship structures. In selected European cities, you will conduct ethnographic fieldwork, document analysis and interviews with local planning authorities as well as private planning consultancies. Furthermore, in collaboration with the DISCLOSE team, you will integrate the findings into an overall theoretical model of how digitalization is changing spatial planning.
Zürcherstrasse 111, CH-8903 Birmensdorf
+41 44 739 22 31
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